Monday, June 18, 2007

Singing With My Wife

For those of you who don't know, Beth and I led worship for "big church" this past Sunday with the Stillpoint band. Paul was teaching so I subbed for him on the music front. I just wanted to reflect via blog on how much fun I had. I love playing for the youth, don't take this out of context...but this past Sunday was one of the most fun times I've ever had playing with a band. This is almost COMPLETELY due to the fact that Beth sang with me. She has such an amazing voice and she sang so well Sunday. I pretty much love my life!

Ok, that's it. How do you guys think we did?


faith said...

Jason! Bravo! You broke the no-blogging trend!

I thought you guys did so good on sunday. It was awesome!

Anonymous said...

You both rock!

Jake said...

is this the part where all the girls go "awwwwwwuha!"?

Cluck said...

I'm back, and I will be at Boot Camp this year!

Jonny said...

Hey Chech Out The Totaly New Face Of My Blog

Unknown said...

dude, i didn't know you had a blogspot. ill trade you the wii for your iphone.