Friday, September 29, 2006

Website Updates!

New pictures under the photogallery...
Fashion Show...what you've all been waiting for.
-I don't have a ton of pictures, and the ones I have weren't the best, but you'll get the idea. If anyone else has pics, you should send them to me to put on the site.

New Feature - Polls!
Just like it sounds. If you have ideas for polls, let me know and I'll put them on the site. You'll find the polls under the Blogs / Polls section (the link is a bit different from before). A neat feature is that you can view past polls and see how people voted. I can have more than one poll up at a time if you have good enough ideas!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Leader Profiles

ok, so i use this more often than i thought i would. but it probably won't last long, i always get burnt out on these things.

anyway, i'm here to tell you about a new feature on the site: leader profiles. not all of them have filled in the questionnaire yet, but they will, and the few that are there are good. go check it out:

Monday, September 25, 2006

Impressed With the Youth Group

crazy impressed

so yesterday a ton of people got together and we helped bobby and deathrage move into their new house. i thought, oh, maybe a couple of kids will show up and that should help. WRONG! a stinking ton of kids showed up and it helped TREMENDOUSLY! a few were being pretty stingy handing out kudos, but as a leader, i feel i have the authority to go ahead and give out 26 kudos per person. you really rocked the house guys, bobby and kristin couldn't have done it without you (neither could we, not in one day at least).

now, on to dodgeball. first of all, how 'bout us old farts!? we took those c-weirdos to town, did we not? hopefully that made you all proud. ok, so i admit, i stink as a dodgeball ref. my years of hoping to become a professional dodgeball ref, all crushed in one night. i can already think of a few calls that should have gone the other way...hopefully you can all forgive me. however, keep in mind i wasn't the only one making decisions, even though i had the fancy jersey.

speaking of was only by pity and self sacrifice that we didn't give the best team name and best uniform award to ourselves. in case you didn't know, kristin kailing was our inspiration for our team. DEATHRAGE BABY YEAH! the fact that kristin's maiden name was Deatherage, is just incredible. and did you see that intimidating face of hers on the front of our shirts? yeah, thats right, be afraid, be very afraid.

ok, then lastly, whether you guys like it or not, i enjoyed worshipping sunday morning. not that i'd want to go that long on a regular basis, but it's good for me to spend some extra time praising my savior once in a while. i'm glad jake let me do that. god even saved my voice for just long enough to make it through.


Monday, September 18, 2006


I have to say that my day has been extremely dissapointing. I had a secret weapon I was going to unleash at the dodgeball tournament but he is going to be out of town. I won't reveal what the weapon is, I'll just wait until the next physical competition and bring it along then.

So I was thinking of a team name, and I'm pretty sure I want to go with the "Yes I Can's". Anybody want to be on my team? Thing is, I haven't even signed up yet, but I'll definitely be there to put the hurt on you senior high guys who think you're so tough. Any junior high guys wanna join me? We'll tear it up!

Oh, unfortunately, my lovely wife will not make it. There's a lakehouse retreat going on the same weekend that's been planned for like 6 months. All of her college friends will be at lake Travis. I will be there as well but I'm comin' back for the dodgeball. Beth has already committed to a lot of things that she can't get out of. We just realized yesterday that they're the same weekend.

Bring on your comments!


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Freezing in Here

so cold, so very cold

it's freezing in my office. i sit right underneath the ginormous air vent and the air is so cold. it's always cold. there's no escaping it. i wear a huge long jacket every day. i brought a space heater up here. my boss won't turn the air down. he refuses. i'm not sure i like him. i need some gloves too. i can barely type. i sure can't concentrate.


well, anyhow, i am eating lunch with jake box today, that should be cool. i'll let you know if he spills anything on himself.

does anyone read this stuff?