Monday, October 23, 2006

Voting Time

I'm going to put a Poll on the site for everyone to vote on the Greatest Story Ever Contest. I have a max of 10 entries, so I need to narrow it down big time. So each blogger needs to tell me his/her favorite story...your OWN story that you want submitted for votation. Give me some funny titles too. Here are some examples of the titles I need based on stories I've seen online...
Jake Box's: Family TP Thivery
Jake Box's: B's 5k Marathon to Vomitland
Jason's: Take the Dive(r) With Me?
Jason's: TP COPS On Patrol
Colin's: Flight of the Nerd
Lindsey's: All Tied Up
Wack Sisters': Mystery Meet
Sean's: Cry For The Little Kitty


Jonathan said...

I will find a way to post on The Wall!!! Mwahaha!!

faith said...

Hry, I think jason you should come up with a title for my story. unfortunately I have not the desire nor the confidence to write another story since my first one was so awesome. so have a party with that!

Seanzy said...

The stories I wrote are already provided with appropriate titles suiting their content. But if I must narrow my 3 down then I pick stories #2 and 3.