Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Fooseball's the Debil

Looking forward to tonight! For those that don't know, the guys are utilizing the chill night for football. Bobby and I were reflecting on our current physical state and we realized that professional athletes at our age are at their prime. We, well, I'll just speak for myself...I am in the worst shape of my life. How'd this happen you may ask. Well, I ask the same question. First of all, I'm married. Now don't hear me wrong, being married is the best thing that's ever happened to me, however, the downside is that I have no time. This isn't all due to being married though; work contributes, an hour and half of traffic every day doesn't help, other commitments as well. Then there's the lack of motivation. Working out just to work out is miserable. I'm going to go run on a treadmill or lift some weights!? I don't think so. Play basketball, football, rock climb, snowboard, SURE!-bring it on. I'm just not as active as I used to be and it's depressing. Well, this week should be good. Football tonight, then again Saturday morning with the young adults. Hopefully this will start a trend. Maybe we can get something going on Sunday's after church (when the Cowboys aren't playing at noon). Who's in?

Well, I guess this isn't really something to comment on unless you want to encourage me, or even poke fun at me. You can poke my flab too if you want.


Jonathan said...

That was funny.

Jonathan said...

I really think that you should put no limit on time for the wall. I have many things to say but I cant say them!! If you don't do that then at least make there be a longer word limit. I have used up every single character that I am allowed for the past 3 comments. Thanks!

Jonathan said...

Me??!! He had a word limit before I did that!

Jonathan said...

I just thought you might not know but I think you spelled devil as "debil".....

internetjason said...


I also spelled football as fooseball. It was in honor of the movie "Waterboy". Sheesh, you need to get out more.

Jonathan said...

I have watched Waterboy!! I just don't quote it like some self-centered jocks do!! Ohhh!!!! Burn!!

internetjason said...

oh, i didn't know i blocked you, i'm sorry. you're unblocked now.

internetjason said...

Nobody is blocked now, but there was some jumbled stuff on there from someone I didn't recognize, so maybe I thought it was one of those "crawler" things spamming the site.

Jonathan said...
