Monday, September 18, 2006


I have to say that my day has been extremely dissapointing. I had a secret weapon I was going to unleash at the dodgeball tournament but he is going to be out of town. I won't reveal what the weapon is, I'll just wait until the next physical competition and bring it along then.

So I was thinking of a team name, and I'm pretty sure I want to go with the "Yes I Can's". Anybody want to be on my team? Thing is, I haven't even signed up yet, but I'll definitely be there to put the hurt on you senior high guys who think you're so tough. Any junior high guys wanna join me? We'll tear it up!

Oh, unfortunately, my lovely wife will not make it. There's a lakehouse retreat going on the same weekend that's been planned for like 6 months. All of her college friends will be at lake Travis. I will be there as well but I'm comin' back for the dodgeball. Beth has already committed to a lot of things that she can't get out of. We just realized yesterday that they're the same weekend.

Bring on your comments!



Seanzy said...

Without your "secret weapon" who bears a Colt-like resemblence, I'm not so sure your team is quite up to par with any of the Senior High teams. But hey, you never know, it is an underdog sport.

Krista said...

Jason, I want to be on your team. In fact the youth leaders team gets to play the championship team. I need you so we can destroy them. Sorry to hear that your secret weapon will not be able to make it though. Highly disappointing.

Jonathan said...

My team and our leader and cheer and ect. will win!!!