Friday, September 29, 2006

Website Updates!

New pictures under the photogallery...
Fashion Show...what you've all been waiting for.
-I don't have a ton of pictures, and the ones I have weren't the best, but you'll get the idea. If anyone else has pics, you should send them to me to put on the site.

New Feature - Polls!
Just like it sounds. If you have ideas for polls, let me know and I'll put them on the site. You'll find the polls under the Blogs / Polls section (the link is a bit different from before). A neat feature is that you can view past polls and see how people voted. I can have more than one poll up at a time if you have good enough ideas!


Jake said...

NO BODY WANTS TO LOOK AT YOUR BLOG BLOGS*R*WACK!!! Or, at least not when your being so ANNOYING ABOUT IT. Ok, so maybe we do want to come look at your blog...

internetjason said...

well mr. hacker, i'm so sorry i blocked you from CHEATING!

thanks for actually commenting though. and thanks for voting.

again, people, i need IDEAS for polls, so hook me up!

Jake said...

You should have a poll for "who has the craziest hair". And I need to send you some pictures, but I have no idea where to send them to, so, if you could hook me up with an e-mail or something. Jake Box has it, so do most of the kids in the youthgroup so, just get mine from them. Man, this is really complicated. And I was just kidding with you blogs*r*wack, I didn't mean to be mean.

faith said...

poll ideas:

best looking person in the fashion shows (I know, it seems a little obvious, me, but you could have a poll about it anyways)

whether or not people think jake box spelled 'steal' 'still' because he says it like that

who is more ridiculous, the people who have time to give clues the the mystery bloggers; the mystery bloggers themselves; or the people who guess

who thinks your guy/girl songs on sunday rocked, or who is just crazy if they vote no

uh, favorite bands

favorite candie

ways people think the world could end

there you go.

internetjason said...

faith, you rock my face off, those are great ideas! look for them soon